Tarot works as a mirror reflecting on our emotions and gaining deeper insights into our inner world. The meanings and metaphors in tarot cards can help us to explore the complexities of our feelings and gain a better understanding of ourselves and our situations. Tarot cards can also be a valuable source of guidance, providing us with new perspectives and helping us make decisions that are in alignment with our true desires and benefits. Learning how to read tarot cards and their meanings can provide you invaluable supports and generate tremendous benefits on your mental, emotional, spiritual wellbeing.
Make the Most of Your Day with A Tarot Card
A great way to start the day is to draw one tarot card in the morning and take a few moments to meditate on the outcome. This can help you gain insight into the day's events, further your understanding of yourself, and provide guidance on how best to approach the day ahead. Focus your thoughts and attention on the card as you meditate and see what insight it brings. Allow yourself to be open to its message and how it may be relevant to your life and your current situation. Enjoy the process and see how the card's advice can help you make the most of your day.
Tarot Helps Us To Reflect
Seasonal readings such as New Year and Birthday reading can be a great way to reflect on the year that has passed and to set intentions for the year ahead. By taking the time to pause and reflect, we can clear our minds and emotional clutters. We can gain insight, and better understanding of ourselves and the world around us. It can bring clarity and a renewed sense of purpose and direction.
Guiding Your Through Uncertainty
When you feel stuck or uncertain about a situation, Tarot can provide insight and clarity, helping to reveal potential paths forward. Tarot can help you to gain fresh perspectives and offer non judgemental guidance. It can also be used as a means to gain greater self-understanding, allowing us to see our choices in a new prospective. It is source of support, giving us the courage to open up to changes and move forward.
Ancestor Connection
Tarot is a perfect communication platform for spirit communication, such as channelling messages and guidance from loved ones and ancestors. Connecting with one's ancestor encourages understanding, acceptance and self love which contribute to better mental wellbeing. Through ancestral communication, one can reconcile deep wounds and karmic patterns that stem back even beyond generations. You can begin by asking "What is the most important message you have for me?" and draw one tarot card. Record the finding and meditate on the meaning of the card. Reflect and journal your feelings.
Spirit Guidance
Spirit Realm is a place where you come from and to which where you return, Spirit realm is our home. Spirit Guides are spirit beings from spirit realm guiding, supporting and protecting us from birth as well as throughout our lives. Learning how to use tarot to communicate with your spirit guide encourage you to bridge the two parts of yourself, physical and spiritual. This easy to learn intuitive tool allows you to seek guidance and bring these wisdom back to enrich your current life. It gives you the opportunity to explore your spiritual self and life purpose. You can begin by drawing a tarot card asking your spirit guide the question, "What does my spiritual self need today?" Record the finding. Then you ask yourself, "What do I need to do to fulfil this need?" Journal the process overtime and observe the your progress by rereading your journal.
Self Coaching Tool
With carefully crafted questions and exercises for example affected bridge and Neuro Linguistic Programming , Tarot becomes an intuitive coaching tool guiding your growth and development in all areas. It is the ability to bring mindful attention to your beliefs, thoughts, patterns, and habits that govern your life to surface. You can gain a real sense of the effects of these patterns and your feelings throughout time by journaling the results. It provides you invaluable insights and space to develop creative strategies that feels right for you.
Learn to Read Tarot
Intuitive Tarot (level 1) 6 weeks interactive online course will give you the right tools you need to read Tarot cards effectively for yourself, friends and family in just six weeks. We will take you through the art of tarot reading. You will learn:
- The Origin of Tarot
- Tarot De Marseille
- Tarot and Numerology
- Tarot Journaling
- 1 card reading
- 3 card reading
- Celtic Cross reading
- Set Up Your Own Practice
Besides the lessons, you will have the opportunity to practice what you learn at the live practical sessions hosted uniquely for the course participants. Four practical sessions will included in the course. Lessons and practical sessions will be live on zoom. Recordings will be available after the sessions for the participants cannot attend. A certificate will be issued upon completion of the course.